The Ancient caver grew up when outer space was organic with nothing man-made. The Milky Way could be seen from city suburbs. Then Sputnik happened. Now my phone seeks robots in space to locate me. I took an extra day on my BOG trip so the time could be spent at this place. It was the best part of the trip. All the space stuff I had heard about through my life was on display. Definitely the best thing in the area.
The Space shuttle on display is the original full scale engineering model built to specification to match a functional shuttle. It was used to check rigging and equipment. It was less costly to drop this than a functional one. It was not dropped.
Directly across the expressway from Space Camp is The Bridge Street Town Center with loads of eateries.
The Ancient Caver attended the NSS BOG meeting at the new headquarters. It is a lovely parcel and it has great potential. I came early and chatted to the Honorary Librarian. He had read my trip report and had passed it around the office. I asked him if he laughed at the jokes, but he said he pitied me. He said I would not have gotten in trouble if I had not done anything wrong. He told me I “must have done something else!” He had found me responsible for the worst thing imaginary that would get me arrested. The subtext was “SG is in the Cool Kids Club, I am in the Cool Kids Club, You’re NOT!”
The bylaws said I could attend as a member, but was not guaranteed the right to speak. The meeting was a bunch of squabbles. They had a half mil endowment to hand out. The meeting was essentially a bunch of academics types arguing about the allocation of that sweet, sweet grant money.
The lawyer called me into closed session to speak. He warned me this opportunity was only in respect to my life membership. I told them to “Stop Arresting Cavers!” The lecture was about the problems getting out of jail due to the bureaucracy. A prisoner cannot bail himself out. The holding cell was discussed. Then the move to orange jumpsuit jail to await court in the morning. The bondsman who showed up .They were responsible for all of it as they considered it a “GOOD” arrest.. The only person who talked to me in closed session was the lawyer. He said he was the one who investigated the incident for the NSS.
The NSS 2019 Convention Chairman talked with me outside the building. I asked her if I owed her any money for the iPad postage. She declined. She told me the BOG had decided to refund my convention fees as I had not been able to attend Thursday. Then she started gaslighting me something terrible.
“Had she known I was in jail she would have bailed me out.” BUT she knew and left me in jail. When I had returned to the campground Thursday evening I ran into Eggers. I told him I just got out of jail. Eggers had been to a session about convention progress and problems that afternoon. The NSS 2019 Chairman had mentioned a caver had been jailed because of a fight with a boyfriend. If I had been detained by more than a day my camper would have been thrown into the dumpster.
She told me I did not even know who hit me. It was the boyfriend that hit the Ancient Caver. The implication here is the NSS considered some words so vile that a consort to an offended lady can protect her honor violently with impunity. What other excuses for violence does the NSS accept. Curious cavers want to know. It was Tattoo Lady's boyfriend who did the punching.
She told me I had been drinking while Security Guy had not. So she was going to believe him. This means if a caver has imbibed at convention they are to be mistrusted. had someone who had imbibed less alcohol than me and told a different story. She believed him. The Board had voted to refund my attendance fee as I had not been able to attend Thursday.
She then gave me a big hug. Typical caver. I hope to never see that prevaricating woman again. She will always be known as running the convention that arrested a caver.
After the meeting everyone regathered at a craft brewery named Straight to Ale. It was part of a new shopping center recycled from High School 805. The brewery was in the converted athletics building. Our group was seated separately in the gymnasium surrounded by the stainless brewing vats. The lady who works at Apple asked me what it was like to be in jail? She could have asked me that question in closed session! Told her I was not talking politic at dinner.
I rewrote my notes as a harassment complaint and sent it to the president. He received it but had no questions. Reply: “I received your email. We will investigate the issue.” Liability and exposure would not allow any investigation.
The refund for the convention fee came. I realized it was DIRTY MONEY. It was the BOG way of saying sorry the joke went so far, but we are not liable. Thoughts of tearing it up crossed my mind. It was laundered by donating it to ARE-CAY-SEA-EYE (.org) They are a fine organization that manages caves for cavers.
The only thing I want from the NSS is a magazine each month. Not only have I been to a bunch of conventions, but I worked hard on some of them. Vacations were planned around the convention date. Ancient Caver would not feel comfortable at another NSS event. Fellow cavers, the future on the organization is your problem now.
Angry Lady got her revenge for the silly Tuesday insult. It was a bit heavy handed. Coming to KOR to harass me around friends and family is a bit low rent.